Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Composition 1

For this assignment we had to take a lot of pictures around and outside of school. Out of the many pictures we took, we had to choose 11 that would represent 11 of the elements of compositon. The elements we studied so far are Rule of Thirds, pattern, texture, framing, perspective, balance, space, color, lines, symmetry,and depth of field.

Picture Discriptions:
lines= "railing going along the ledge"
pattern= "lockers in a row"
symmetry= "glasses on a window ledge"
rule of thirds= "girl on the balcony"
texture= "light hitting the bush reveals its texture"
depth of field= "tree up front and bushes farther back"
space= "american flag waving in the wind"
framing= "single locker open"
perspective= "students feet walking in the hall"
balance= "a toy on its side"
color= "flowers of different colors"

For this assignment I learned how to take different kinds of pictures correctly and how each element has its place and is very important. I learned simple changes can really change a picture in a big way. Overall i really enjoyed the assignment.